University IT infrastructure in the context of evolutionary transformations of the digital economy
information-logical, educational, university, infrastructure, self-development, motivation.Abstract
Education faces a new barrier - digital, which needs to be taken that to continue its evolutionary path of qualitative changes in the system and the entire educational environment. Universities solve problems of IT infrastructure renewal, educational technologies, integration of all components of infrastructure. For a knowledge-based society, motivation of students and employees of companies, employees of organizations to professional self-development is important. There is a need to build the evolutionary capacity of universities, teachers and students. Self-development of the future specialist is the base, the way of its self-regulation in the future professional community, the possibility to reveal the personal and creative potential, both in team and autonomous work. The information and educational infrastructure of the university forms competences, personal qualities of the student. It's necessary to carry out a systematic analysis of the goals, opportunities, ways of updating the information and educational environment as an innovative environment, combining resources, tools, methodologies of solving problems, in particular, and the management of the educational process. The trained, creative, creative and competent experts who will be able to realize the personal adaptive strategy of creative activity are needed. The article contains a systematic analysis, describes system-synergistic goals and approaches for the development of university infrastructure, strategic and tactical goals of universities, one of the main participants of digital transformations of the modern economy. Most attention is paid to scientific-methodological, information-logical support of the training process, situational modeling and decision-making.
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