The role of the intercultural factor in the formation of a secondary language personality in modern Europe


  • Yunna Valeryevna Sorokopud Moscow International University, Russia.
  • Yulia Zufarovna Bogdanova State agrarian University of the Northern TRANS-Urals Tyumen, Russia.
  • Nurgun Vyacheslavovich Afanasev Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov Yakutsk, Russia.



transcultural linguistic personality, Europe, English, language competence, linguistic personality structure, migration, language processes, globalization.


Europe is one of those regions of the world where the tendency towards language unity is dual in nature - on the one hand, in the process of its spread, transnational contact English (EL) acquires regionally determined typological forms; on the other hand, there is a common European tendency of opposition to the expansion of its influence on national languages. Significant changes in their dynamics due to globalization are undergoing the functioning of the languages of the peoples of the world. Striving for the economic unity of the world, globalization is also causing a tendency towards its linguistic unity.

In transnational communication of European countries, the contact EL is involved in many domestic and special areas. It develops in multilingual contexts of the European Union, which initially implies the need for transcultural and transnational communication among European communicants, within which the relationship of languages is not something fixed once and for all.

The paradigm of international culture in the mentality of Europeans develops in the process of secondary socialization, when a secondary linguistic personality is formed, determined by the formal membership of the European community, regardless of the specific country of residence. The structure of the cultural component of the European transnational communication and the specificity of the linguocultural component of the EL in various European countries reflect the long process of secondary socialization and internalization of the EL, which has its own characteristics in different parts of the continent.

In contrast to primary socialization, which has a universal national character, secondary socialization is aimed at the entry of the individual into the international community, for example, scientists, students, business people, bloggers, etc. Possession of EL as an instrument of secondary socialization allows representatives of various linguocultural communities to realize acquired cultural norms in both intranational and transnational communication.

Within the spatial-temporal framework of European contexts, the linguocultural component of the ELis formed on the basis of the cultural component of primary socialization in the native language; passes through the emotional-personal filter of users, is made out of linguistic means at the appropriate level of knowledge of the EL and receives a secondary cultural orientation in the conditions of secondary socialization.

The situation of intercultural communication arises when two or more persons belonging to different cultures interact, and members of different cultures can expect their partners to communicate and behave in the same way as they do, and not to make adjustments to their speech behavior.

The paper raises questions of the vitality of culture in conditions of intensive contact, since identity in the context of globalization is a process of differentiation, fragmentation, and complementarity of systemic and subjective-objective factors. The complexity of the process of identifying a modern transcultural linguistic personality lies in the multidimensionality of identity criteria, the actualization of political, social, cultural and symbolic capital.


Author Biographies

Yunna Valeryevna Sorokopud, Moscow International University, Russia.

Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Humanities Moscow International University, Russia.

Yulia Zufarovna Bogdanova, State agrarian University of the Northern TRANS-Urals Tyumen, Russia.

Candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor State agrarian University of the Northern TRANS-Urals Tyumen, Russia.

Nurgun Vyacheslavovich Afanasev, Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov Yakutsk, Russia.

Candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the Department of folklore and culture, head of the educational and methodological service of the Institute of languages and culture of the peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov Yakutsk, Russia.


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How to Cite

Sorokopud, Y. V., Bogdanova, Y. Z., & Afanasev, N. V. (2020). The role of the intercultural factor in the formation of a secondary language personality in modern Europe. Personality Society, 1(1), 29–37.


