The food security as a priority area of russian policy


  • Alexander Dmitrievich Aseev State University of management Moscow, Russia.
  • Irina Konstantinovna Shcherbakova State University of management Moscow, Russia.
  • Natalia Vladimirovna Blinova State University of management Moscow, Russia.
  • Alexey Alexandrovich Romanov State University of management Moscow, Russia.
  • Oleg Yuryevich Akhshian State University of management Moscow, Russia.
  • Svyatoslav Vyacheslavovich Shaposhnikov State University of management, Institute of public administration and law, Moscow, Russia.



food security, food independence, threats, import substitution, criteria, balance of food resources, agricultural products, genetically modified products.


The purpose of the study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of food security in the Russian Federation and identify existing problems in this area, since this problem is more relevant than ever in Russia, given the complex socio-political situation. Used in the work: a system approach (considering food security as an essential element of national security), situational and functional (considering the monitor changes the status of food security as a information technology management), statistical monitoring (provides guidance to build predictive judgments), qualitative (proclaims the need for multi-criteria diagnosis of food security). as well as formal logical and dialectical methods of cognition. Formal-legal and comparative-legal methods of cognition were used as private-scientific methods. The normative base of the study is the national security Strategy of the Russian Federation, as well as the food security doctrine Of the Russian Federation.
The study of the state of food security in Russia shows that the Russian Federation has formed an integral system for maintaining this sphere at the proper level. The analysis allows us to conclude that, despite the sanctions imposed on Russia, the system of public administration in General allows us to regulate processes in the food sector and provide the population with basic agricultural products. The guarantee of achieving food security is the stability of domestic production, as well as the availability of necessary reserves and stocks. In this regard, it can be argued to some extent that the food security system operates with a sufficient level of efficiency. At the same time, the sanctions and anti-sanctions imposed have created a number of obstacles to the normal functioning of the interstate system for the exchange of agricultural products.


Author Biographies

Alexander Dmitrievich Aseev, State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Candidate of philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of public administration and political technologies Institute of public administration and law State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Irina Konstantinovna Shcherbakova, State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of history and political science, Institute of public administration and law State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Natalia Vladimirovna Blinova, State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of public administration and political technologies, Institute of public administration and law State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Alexey Alexandrovich Romanov, State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of management in international business and tourism industry, Institute of public administration and law State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Oleg Yuryevich Akhshian, State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor of the Department of public administration and political technologies, Institute of public administration and law State University of management Moscow, Russia.

Svyatoslav Vyacheslavovich Shaposhnikov, State University of management, Institute of public administration and law, Moscow, Russia.

Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate professor, Department of state and municipal management State University of management, Institute of public administration and law, Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Aseev, A. D., Shcherbakova, I. K., Blinova, N. V., Romanov, A. A., Akhshian, O. Y., & Shaposhnikov, S. V. (2020). The food security as a priority area of russian policy. Personality Society, 1(1), 38–48.


