Modeling of innovative processes of regional development




management, innovation, efficiency, sustainability, evolution, systems analysis.


Innovative processes in the development of the region are essential. It’s necessary to effectively investigate and manage them. In Russia, increased requirements for innovation, innovative digital interactions, and infrastructures. The purpose of the work is system analysis and modeling of regional development processes, testing of the built model. The evolutionary potential of the region is also being explored. The work uses methods of system analysis, decision-making, mathematical modeling, situational and comparative analysis. For stable and dynamic regions, various system goals of innovative development are considered: corporate, business-oriented, functional, production, etc. The main results of the article: analysis of systemic problems and solutions for the innovative development of regions, the construction and study of a model of dynamics of evolution, potential and indices in the conditions of a variety of innovative changes (diffusion, innovation, investment, etc.). Uncertainties in the environment (restructuring in the region) are also taken into account. The task of identification of the constructed model, possibility of situational forecasting and support of strategic management with its help is considered. The test example for the model takes into account the dynamics of funds and the consumption of the situation. The dynamic characteristics of regional innovation should lead to qualitative changes, and the sustainability of the region is determined by the dynamic relationships of structures. Therefore, it’s important to consider synergistic interactions such as "region – innovation – investment – evolutionary potential". The model we have discussed can also be complicated and improved by complicating the submodels involved and the modeling hypotheses considered. But in this form, it’s suitable for relevant situational modeling.

Author Biography

Irina Ivanovna Yurina, Russian University of Economics named after GV Plekhanov, Russia.

Russian University of Economics named after GV Plekhanov. Qualification: Specialist. Head of the company "Nauka bez granits" and the Community of Scientific Editors, Russia.


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How to Cite

Yurina, I. I. (2021). Modeling of innovative processes of regional development. Personality Society, 2(4), 11–17.


